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Child Protection and Safeguarding

Pathfield School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its pupils. We are fully committed to ensure that consistent and effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support our pupils, their families and staff at school.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 – Part one: Information for all school and college staff

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2023-24

Promoting safeguarding and child protection is fundamental at Pathfield School. Our Designated Safeguarding Leads ensure that all staff are kept up-to-date with safeguarding training and that they undertake risk assessments and explore and review strategies for keeping everyone safe.


Who are Pathfield School’s Designated Safeguarding Leads?


Adam James 

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Stuart Allman

Designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Anthony May

Designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Eddie Farwell

Designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Safeguarding Link Governor

Nathan Gosling

Designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead

All our staff will:

Report: Safeguarding concerns, including social and emotional aspects, health and safety, security issues, bullying, racism and discrimination concerns.

Keep the pupils and themselves safe by: following agreed policies such as the Positive Behaviour and Relational Support Policy, Intimate Care Policy, Health and Safety and Wellbeing Policy, Outdoor Education Visits and Off-Site Activities Policy and the Online Safety Policy.

Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team: to support our pupils’ physical and mental health, and social care needs.



Report a child safety concern

If you are worried about the safety of a child in Devon and want to speak to someone, or if you are a child worried about your own safety, please contact our Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0345 155 1071 or email and give as much information as you can.

If a child is at immediate risk contact the police on 999.


Useful documents and resources in relation to Safeguarding:

How to Report Child Abuse Without Any Worries | NSPCC

What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused

Working Together to Safeguard Children

The Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership (DSCP)

Devon Education and Families – Making a MASH contact