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Inspiring interaction

Classes and Departments

Pathfield school is divided into the departments:-

Each of the departments follows the whole school curriculum intent but has its own distinct identity. Students on the main site progress through the key stages building upon previous learning and towards preparation for adulthood. In some cases students may be grouped from across the departments depending upon their need. Pathways is a discreet provision for secondary aged students.


Curriculum Intent

The four pillars of our curriculum are Communication, Independence, Community and Wellbeing. Our focus upon these leads to a curriculum which teaches purposeful and lifelong, knowledge and skills; enabling Inspiring Interaction in all that we do.



Our curriculum is designed to give pupils a confident voice to improve the quality of every part of their life. This means being listened to, heard and understood in whatever form a pupil chooses to communicate. We recognise that communication is fundamental in creating a human connection and the tool for unlocking the wider world.


Our curriculum educates students for the life they aspire to lead. For safety, wellbeing and the ability to inform their own choices in life. This will be achieved by providing opportunities in developing effective communication; physical development of skills and providing problem solving challenges.

Our curriculum aims to develop students to challenge and drive change in the community. They will learn through the magnificent richness of experiences North Devon offers; enabling them to feel valued contributors and leaders in their community, and gaining an appreciation of local, national and international life.


Our curriculum fosters resilience, self-esteem and promotes good mental health. Preparing pupils to make positive choices; staying safe within their community and the environment. We are determined to nurture pupils to grow the knowledge and skills to establish happy healthy relationships with peers, family and the wider community. Empowering them to confidently present the best of themselves to the world.