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Free holiday time activities and meals for children aged 0 to 18 years

Monday 29th March 2021

Free activities and healthy meals during the Easter holidays are available to children from low income families.

Devon County Council is arranging the activity programme, working with activity providers in locations across Devon.

It’s part of a national, Government-funded initiative to provide free activities and healthy meals during Easter, Summer and Christmas holidays, 2021.

Children of all abilities, aged between the ages 0 to 18, can attend.

Places are open now for children from low income families, including those eligible for free school meals, during the Easter holidays.  Easter holidays run Friday 2 April to Sunday 11 April.

There are activities to suit a range of ages and abilities, including A selection of sports (including rugby, football, netball) ,Forest school/outdoor activities such as den building, cooking on an open fire , Arts and crafts , Music, drama and dance, Scooting and skateboarding, Orienteering and outward bound activities, Cooking classes and activities, Food boxes and activity boxes .

Parents can book places directly with the activity provider (please click below for a list of providers taking part).

Free holiday time activities and meals for children aged 0 to 18 years (PDF)