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Adventure Curriculum

“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.”
— John Muir

INTENT (What we want to achieve)

Our adventurous experiences are embedded within the four pillars of our curriculum: Independence, Community, Wellbeing and Communication. Academic research shows that being outdoors enhances physical, mental and spiritual health along with social communication, resilience and problem-solving skills (Morris 2003). The development of these skills prepares our students to be as independent as possible and able to access our unique local environment and communities. Students will have many opportunities to engage in adventurous outdoor activities. In addition to this we will also provide cultural experiences and opportunities to broaden their outlook in an increasingly diverse world.

IMPLEMENTATION (How will we do this?)

Learning outdoors and exploring the local community are an intrinsic part of the curriculum at Pathfield School. In addition to this we have incorporated different challenges that progressively build on previous experiences for students to take part in. Some of our students will have the opportunity to take part in the Ten Tors (Jubilee Challenge) as they move into KS4 and the 6th Form. These challenges will take place some time during the Summer Term, though as you can see from the table below. Outdoor learning and visits will take place at any point during the school year.

IMPACT (How do we know it is working well?)

Outdoor Adventure Learning provides opportunities for students to participate in activities that they otherwise might not be able to access. Through participation in these challenging physical and emotional activities, outdoor adventure learning interventions support students to develop non-cognitive skills such as resilience, self-confidence, and motivation.

By the end of KS4 or 6th Form our students have:

  • Become more Independent due to the problem-solving skills and self-confidence they have gained through adventure.
  • Taken part in and succeeded in a range of adventure challenges.
  • Explored what the local environment has to offer in addition to places further afield.
  • Experienced a range of different Communities and broadened their cultural knowledge.
  • Have effectively Communicated their thoughts and feelings about these challenges and their aspirations for the next steps.
  • Enhanced levels of Wellbeing through spending more time outdoors taking part in physical activities.


Useful websites:

5 key benefits of outdoor learning (

Ten Tors