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Curriculum Activities

Please find below useful resources and packs for parents to use during school closures.


BBC bitesize

Simple-to-follow lessons and videos for pupils aged 4 to 14. Catch up and keep learning with short films, quizzes and practice activities that deliver this term’s key topics in the classroom or at home.

You’ll find daily lessons for homeschooling in Maths and English for every year group, as well as regular lessons in Science, History, Geography and more. The homeschooling lessons have been created with teachers and other educational experts and feature a mix of videos, animations, practice activities, quizzes and games.



General (English + Maths)

BBC Bitesize – Learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers organised by subject.

FREE Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler Home Learning Packs – Is your child a fan of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s wonderful picture books? Now you can download a range of home learning activity packs to complete as you read the books!

Twinkl – Extra Subjects Free Resources 

Twinkl – New Primary Topic Resources / free taster packs

Doorway Online – interactive and accessible learning with a collection of free and highly accessible educational games that learners will find easy to use independently.

TEDed – To support the millions of students, parents and teachers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, TED-Ed is working with expert educators and TED speakers throughout the world to create and share high-quality, interactive, video-based lessons on a daily basis, for free.

IXL Learning – At-home learning with IXL. IXL is here to support students, parents and educators through school closures and beyond. From implementation guides to parent communication strategies, IXL has everything you need to keep students learning from home (for students from Reception to Year 13).

Common Sense (US website) – Resources for families during the Coronavirus pandemic, including free educational apps, information and advice on home schooling.


Phonics, handwriting, reading

Letters and Sounds – free phonics resources published by the Department for Education and Skills (Introduction, Resources, Games)

The Literacy Shed –  high quality films and animations that can be used in the primary classroom to enhance the teaching of reading and writing.

Reading Eggs – an online reading program that helps children learn to read. Hundreds of online reading lessons, phonics games and books for ages 2–13.

Kaligo – a digital handwriting exercise book – Kaligo is the first handwriting application approved by the Department for Education, designed to teach students how to write using a stylus and tablet, built on an AI machine learning platform.

Phonics Hero – Supercharge children’s reading and spelling with the world’s largest Synthetic Phonics program (free 7 day trial).



Hit the button! – quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds

Hamilton Trust – high quality, fully adaptable English, maths, science and cross-curricular topic lesson planning and teaching resources for schools

Nrich – Mathematics resources for children, parents and teachers to enrich learning.

Mathematics Mastery – Based on international evidence and practice, the school improvement programme aims to enhance students’ enjoyment, resilience, understanding and attainment in mathematics.

Numberblocks – BBC sing along and learn all about numbers with the Numberblocks!

Top Marks  – Searchable site of thousands of quality teaching resources, interactive resources, homework, exam and revision help. Useful for teachers, pupils and parents.

White Rose Maths – The White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year 1-8. They will be adding five more each week for the next few weeks. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully.



Widgit Online – subscribe to widget online for £5 a month with free 21-day trial available – create, print, share and translate symbol materials online; access to Communicate in Print symbol software to make your own visual support cards, timetables, charts and worksheets. Access to hundreds of templates for schedules, worksheets, books, etc.

Free SEND Learning Resources at Twinkl – a variety of different types of SEND resources for special needs children.

Chatter Pack – Home Learning Resources List for Schools and Families