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Inspiring interaction

PTFA / Fundraising

Pathfield School has an active Parents, Teachers & Friends Association who meet each term.


Chair: Mr. Stuart Allman
Secretary: Mrs. Lou Gritton
Treasurer: Ms. Jackie Hamill
Trustee/Headteacher: Mr. Stuart Allman

In the past few years, the School’s PTFA has helped to raise funds for many projects, for example installing a new Soft Play room with soft play equipment and a hoist system, Mini bus, Hydro Pool refurbishment, T-shirts for Station Bridge Café and many more.

We like to fund projects that will benefit as many children of Pathfield School as possible.

A special thank you to everyone who have donated towards our Pathfield PTFA events. Your kindness and generosity makes the world of difference to our students.

If you would like more information about the school’s PTFA, or to enquire about coming along to the next PTFA meeting, please contact the school on 01271 342423.

Our supporters